We Tell Your Story in the U.S.
Marketing to an American audience can be challenging for European entrepreneurs. It’s not just a question of building awareness of your brand, but also how you go about telling your story. That’s where Mount Bonnell Media comes in.
You see, marketing is about far more than just the technicalities. You can build email marketing campaigns, an excellent website and a huge list of potential customers – but if you can’t connect to those customers in a meaningful way, you won’t succeed.
In the busy marketplace of America, consumers are growing increasingly demanding. They expect excellence from the technical side of your business, but they also want to understand who they are buying from and why they should choose to buy from you, rather than a competitor.
If you want potential customers to decide to choose you to buy from, you need to connect to them with authentic, compelling storytelling.
Storytelling Matters – The Why of Marketing
Storytelling might feel like a bit of a buzzword when it comes to marketing, but it’s only a buzzword if you look at storytelling as a gimmick. The truth is storytelling is about far more than simply explaining a narrative or an anecdote to try and persuade someone to buy. It’s about sharing experiences in a way that leads to positive connection and trust.
Many business owners don’t focus on sharing their story because they don’t know how to identify what makes their story compelling, or they don’t know how to go about telling it. Many business owners are too close to their story to be able to really see it, or they have become so used to telling the same story for years that it has lost freshness and immediacy.
At Mount Bonnell Media we approach marketing from the core of authenticity. What makes your brand and business unique? How did you get to where you are today and why are you expanding into the U.S.? What makes you and your business really tick? What do you care about?
If you can find a great story from the answers to these and other questions, you’re well on your way to building a connection with your audience. These connections are vital when it comes to building great relationships with your customers.
Building Connection Through Storytelling
Connecting with your customers in a meaningful way comes from the authentic sharing of your journey and experiences – professionally AND personally. This doesn’t mean you have to hang out all your deep, private secrets for everyone to see! But it does mean sharing more about who you are and what motivates you.
It means sharing your setbacks and challenges, as well as your successes. People want to understand your business and to do that they need to understand who you are and what drives you. Using storytelling is a powerful way to ensure you can build these connections.
This kind of marketing can feel uncomfortable for people who are not used to sharing a more vulnerable side. But honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity lead to a greater degree of trust, and ultimately a boost for your business and brand.
Being able to identify your own story is only part of this process. But it’s vitally important that you do. That’s because when you understand who you are and how you have got to where you are today, you find more ways of connecting to your ideal customer. You discover what you have in common with them.
This makes for a far more satisfying business experience for them and for you. Creating marketing messages that resonate on both sides forges stronger and more fulfilling connections – a much different experience than simply pumping out empty persuasion to strangers your business doesn’t truly align with.
At Mount Bonnell Media, we work with you to get to the heart of your businesses story – identifying how your professional and personal story interrelate and how this matches with the customers you want to reach. An added positive side effect of this process is that it teaches you and your customers more about the sort of impact you want to make. This can add a whole new dimension to the energy of your business – as well as creating far more effective marketing.
Bottom line? When you work with us, we’ll help you not only figure out the story you want to tell but help you share it in a way that’s powerful, entertaining and memorable – to the customers who truly matter to you.
The How of Effective Marketing With Mount Bonnell Media
Once we’ve worked together to discover the unique “why” of your business, Mount Bonnell Media will help develop the “how” of getting your message out in a way that’s engaging and compelling.
We have a range of services and will work with you to develop a marketing strategy that gets your brand out to your ideal American customers.
Because marketing Stateside works much differently to how it does in Europe, you are going to need a network of professionals such as copywriters, social media experts, content producers and voice talent who are fluent in using American English and can take your content to the next level. We help connect you to these professionals. We also help to ensure your marketing strategy takes full account of the uniqueness of the American market.
There’s much that is idiosyncratic in the style of American marketing. There’s a bigger focus on areas such as patriotism, political correctness, and a higher sensitivity to racial and other diversity themes. Religious themes are often interwoven into marketing in the U.S., and there are also considerations such as the increasing popularity of languages such as Spanish to potentially consider.
We take all of these unique aspects into account as we help you to cater your style and tone specifically for an American audience.
We offer a range of marketing services and bespoke support to make sure your marketing project truly delivers the impact you need, to the audience you need to reach:
With these services we don’t just talk the talk – we walk the walk. Every service we offer reflects the way we use marketing ourselves. We use our own services because we know they work! Check out our podcasts, videos and website development show the way we use storytelling in context.
A Foot in Both Worlds – Why Mount Bonnell Media Is Unique
The team at Mount Bonnell Media has been helping businesses to relocate to the U.S. for over a decade. We have lived and worked in America as European expats ourselves and have a unique perspective on how both European and American marketing practices and styles differ. Our SEO, Sebastian Sauerborn, began helping businesses back in 2008. As a partner in a London-based chartered accountants firm he worked with many businesses across Europe who asked for support to expand to the U.S. This led to setting up offices first in Miami and later Austin, Texas and plenty of time and experience Stateside, as well as in Europe.
Our experience has shown us just how hard it is for anyone who hasn’t spend a good portion of time in the U.S. to fully understand how attitudes, norms, and culture really differ from Europe and the approaches Europeans use when it comes to building their brand and marketing their products and services.
And, it’s also true that most American’s expect to connect in a way that feels comfortable and part of their culture – rather than a style they are not familiar with from European countries. While entrepreneurship is well-respected and admired in America, customers don’t always understand how European businesses function or their marketing messages.
When it comes to marketing, success depends on speaking to your American audience in a way they enjoy and understand – they want to know that you “get them”.
What this means in practice is that telling your story from a place of authenticity is vital, but so is delivering the story in a way that meshes with American culture.
That’s why our position at Mount Bonnell Media of having a foot in both worlds works. We have offices in Europe as well as the U.S. and work with entrepreneurs and professionals from both areas. While we can take you Stateside for our Investor Roadshow visits and other tailored support, we can also work with you in person in our London offices and communicate across similar time zones in Europe. From there we can help you start to find and communicate with your American customers in a way that really resonates with them.
There is a large divide between European marketing and American marketing. Our unique blend of experience across continents means that we can help you to bridge that gap and develop the marketing strategy that will help you to crack America.
So, get in touch today to book a marketing consultation and discuss how we can help you create a powerful, effective and meaningful connection with your American customers.