Ongoing Admin Support
This page will focus on the ongoing management services we deliver for your U.S. company.
After establishing your company in the US, our knowledgeable and friendly staff in the U.S. and Europe will take care of all aspects of the company’s administration and tax services.
Our support will be charged on an hourly basis – Mount Bonnell’s typical hourly rates apply – unless we have agreed in advance a fixed amount for the work.
General Client Support and Accessibility.
We are available during normal office hours to answer any queries you may have. Feel free to contact us via email or phone.
It is worth noting that our employees work in both Europe (London) as well as the United States so the normal office hours are those of the UK and US.
Physical Mail Forwarded by Email.
Any mail for your company delivered to your US HQ will be opened and sorted by us. Junk, spam, and any promotions or advertising will be disposed of immediately. Any other letters will be scanned and sent to you via email.
Important items such as certificates, contracts and the like will be forwarded to you by mail, or at your request, by courier.
Please note: only under exceptional circumstances will we be able to accept packages for the company and then forward them to you.
Answering Your Telephone Calls.
We’ll provide you with a local US telephone number with the area code of the company’s US headquarters.
Our U.S. employees will field phone calls on behalf of your company during regular US office hours. Our employees will also forward to you via email whatever messages are left.
Banking Support.
We’ll help you with any questions you have regarding your US business bank account. If you need help to make a bank transfer, accessing your online banking, security questions around your banking, or just communicating with your US bank, Mount Bonnell are here to provide support and advice at all the stages of your banking needs.
U.S. bank accounts differ from most European bank accounts. For example, European Transaction Authorization Numbers (TANs) are not commonly used in the U.S. So for these, and all other, in fact any, questions you may have about your US bank account, we are at your disposal.
Other Client Support.
Some times there are things clients ask us to do on an individual basis for their company that is beyond our remit.
Of course, we are here to help, but best to clarify in advance what it is that you need doing and whether we are indeed the right people to help you with that particular request.
Personal Meetings in the U.S. and Europe.
Mount Bonnell is able to assist with facilitating personal meetings either in the U.S. or in Europe. However, due to our staff’s extensive travel requirements, a lot of pre-planning is needed to enable this.
European meetings can be facilitated in London, Dublin or Malta. Meetings arranged in any US state are always a possibility.
What Aspects Require Labor.
The time required to complete any task will depend on the size and complexity of the documents that need processing. For example, the cost of preparing a tax return for a sole business operator will be significantly different from the cost of doing so for a medium-sized retailer. In addition, any processing of a specific declaration or official notification requires more work on our part to complete and, therefore, will attract a higher cost.
Additional time and effort will be required from our employees when, for example, having to request further information from you or your tax advisor, as well as arranging any checks on your documents. These costs can significantly increase if we have difficulty in contacting you or if you have sent us through either the wrong or incomplete documentation.
You need to be aware that we charge for the time it takes us to answer your queries. We’re happy to answer all your questions, but the cost for this will depend on the time it takes to answer them.
Need Advice on Taxation, Company Formation, and Residency in the United States?
Moving to the States – lock, stock and business – is not simple, but it doesn’t have to be hard either. We have a lot of information on line for you, but the Mount Bonnell ethos is that personal touch so lacking in so many of today’s businesses.
Like the Texas of old, we are true to our word. And like the founders of the Lone Star State we intend to make things as easy as possible for the people we work with so give us a call. We’re waiting – expecting even – that call about a question or questions you feel embarrassed to ask. Whether technical, financial or personal, don’t be shy. We have heard them all before, and, what’s more we enjoy answering them.
So what are you waiting for, book a consultation and let’s get started.