US cities with the most pro-business local governments
Every business owner knows how important local governments can be for their work. That’s because local governments set up a lot of rules and regulations you need to follow and that can make your work that much more difficult and slower, as well as more costly.
The cities on our list are the ones that have the most business friendly governments. This goes beyond just having lower taxes and goes into how ready are the local institutions to help a new business out when they need it.
Dallas, Texas
Dallas, Texas is one of the most popular cities for small companies and many of them are moving to it from the rest of the state but also from other states. It’s a large and diverse city in which a business can find whatever they need in order to function on day to day basis.
It’s a city with a growing GDP and a growing personal income meaning that you’re coming to a market where your products and service are wanted. At the same time, there’s a small downside from the fact that the cost of the living in the city is going up as more people are moving in.
San Francisco, California
San Francisco is at the center of the tech industry and that’s what makes it so appealing to those coming to it. If you’re working in this field you want to be able to stay close to the center of things and the center of innovation. That’s where the local government helps the most by making the patents easier to get and save.
What makes the city a bit more challenging for both businesses and the workers moving into them to find jobs, is the cost of living which is rather high and even growing.
Seattle, Washington
Seattle is often overlooked as a pro-business city and it’s a mistake to do so, since it is one of the largest and most prosperous cities in the country. The city has some of the greatest schools in the country and is rather safe. All of this matters when you’re moving your family to a city in which a job is waiting for you.
Real estate is also much less costly than in San Francisco, but the cost of living is growing up and that’s precisely because the city is growing and new businesses are moving in.
Des Moines, Iowa
When it comes to choosing the city to establish your business, it’s always a matter of discussions as to what data to use. If you would use the last year’s data about Des Moines you would notice that their businesses are showing worse results. However, if you would look at the long term data, it’s a booming city that’s growing for a while now.
At this point, Des Moines is an important part of the publishing industry and it can be said its center in terms of production if the center of the business part of things is still in New York.
Raleigh, North Carolina
This is probably the first city on our list that comes as a bit of a surprise. It is overlooked by both the media and the general zeitgeist but within the business world it’s one of the cities that’s most talked about as a place to move and work in. This is especially the case in the tech industry.
That’s because of the governmental policy set by NC called the North Carolina’s Research Triangle. It’s a software hub made to help the local tech industry and make it competitive to those in California. It’s working so far.
San Jose, California
California is known as the state to move into if you want to start a tech company. However, it’s forgotten how much of that busy environment is happening outside the major cities. San Jose is one of those overlooked cities that have become a hub of California tech industry.
Business costs as well as the costs of living a rather high in San Jose and that’s the biggest drawback in deciding to come here and try your fortune amongst the companies such as Ebay.
Local governments get to affect the businesses more than the national ones since they are set up the rules and regulations under which the businesses work. They also set up the taxation systems but on a smaller scale. That’s why there are cities in the US that keep attracting businesses and that are the hubs of local development.
The cities on our list are attracting businesses and new companies are created in them every day. However, these businesses often have a high cost of living and high costs of starting the company. That’s something to take into account as well.